‘Enriching Life Opportunities’

What We Do


Our ambition is to transform the life outcomes of local children in care / looked after children and care leavers.

We listen to local children in care and care leavers to hear and directly respond to their voices, needs and priorities.


In 2019 we consulted with hundreds of Northamptonshire’s looked after beneficiaries, partners and community members. They identified priority needs as: better mental health; better education and better employment From 2020 we’re driving these themes forward with partners’ support to deliver bespoke therapy, extra-curricular education, positive and creative activities, mentoring, opportunities for work experience and employment. Sadly, existing needs have been severely compounded by Covid19 and the cost of living crisis which have which has further traumatised and isolated beneficiaries so our charitable activities are needed more now than ever.


When placed in care, children have already experienced a disproportionate range of trauma and adverse childhood experiences and will face complex adversity throughout their lives. It is a fact that children in care and those leaving care face a variety of poor life outcomes. Recent data analysis confirms that the county’s looked after children and care leavers are:


Mental Health

Four times more likely to have a mental health condition****

Twice as likely to have had a formal mental health diagnosis*

Three times more likely to have had contact with mental health services*

Twice as likely to have attempted suicide*



30% of 18-21 year old care leavers not in education, employment or training (NEET) in 2019 and compares to 13% national average

3% of care leavers are in higher education**** compared to 6% national average and they’re twice as likely to drop out of higher education than their non-care peers (Universities asked to do more to support care leavers, Gov.uk, 2019)



30% of 19-21 year old care leavers are not in education, employment or training (NEET)**** compared to 12% in all England’s population*****


Criminal Justice System

4 times more likely to be involved in the youth justice system****

7 times more likely to have 5 or more previous convictions*




*Social Care ASSET Data Analysis (Institute for Public Safety, Crime and Justice, 2017)

**Looked After Children, The Silent Crisis (Oakley et al, 2018)

*** Find and Compare Schools in England, (Gov.uk, 2019)

**** NCC Care Leavers JSNA Insight Pack, 2020

***** Home for Good, 2019-2020 (Children looked after in England (including adoption), year ending 31 March 2019: Department for Education)


There are now 1231 children in care and 561 care leavers in Northamptonshire (April 2023).

The numbers of children in care in the county have increased over recent years, in 2013 there were under 800.

Copyright: Stand Out Northamptonshire Limited Charity No. 1187264 Company No. 11006720

E: jane@standoutnorthamptonshire.com M: 07495 539611



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